Rising Above the Crowd
Setting yourself apart from other speakers is no small task.

There are millions of people working on building their public communication skills every day. Only a proportionate handful of these people will be good enough and prepared well enough to receive a steady paycheck for their talent.

Step by Step by Step by Step… (x100)

First, you must be able to generate a great script, with entertaining quality and lasting informational value.

THEN, you’ve got to deliver that message with poise, confidence and authentic effectiveness, free of pesky distractions.

This is already a tall order, but then multiply those first two steps by 100, AND add the necessary entrepreneurial skills and top class marketing that keeps you in view of your prospective clients. It’s practically a full-time job long before you’ll get that first paycheck, is it not?

The Roll of the Dice

What if you went to ALL THAT TROUBLE, only to find out that you missed a few minor details that kept you out of the big leagues. You maybe got a shot or two, but your career still wouldn’t take off the way you needed it to, based on all the time and effort that you had invested.

  • What then?
  • Is it too late?
  • What are those minor details anyway?
  • How can we weed out those pesky flaws before we practice them into our routine a hundred times?
  • What if some of the minor details are actually huge mindset concerns?
  • What if self-sabotage or hidden negativity are betraying us?

An Outside View

There are only so many ways we can develop ourselves without help from outside eyes. “Face it.” A person can’t look in the mirror all day, and it’s impossible for each of us to see what is happening when we aren’t conscious about watching ourselves.

Video can help a lot! Making videos is a fantastic first step.

Even if you aren’t quite ready to invest in a Voice Pizazz speaking coach, please click here to learn about an inexpensive way to get an immediate start with video.

 This online workshop is guaranteed to provide breakthroughs like you’ve never seen.

If you’ve already joined Toastmasters International, you’re definitely on the right track. This organization gives you audiences to practice on and a regular schedule of assignments that provides even the most free-spirited creatives the discipline and accountability that is necessary to personal and professional development.

If you are part of a national speaker association, you’re eligible for additional training and development that is more specific to career-driven speakers, and certainly more tailored to each individual.

Both of these associations are highly recommended by Voice Pizazz.

Is There More?

Many of today’s top speakers have emphasized the importance of hiring a voice coach as soon as you possibly can. After all,  your voice is your money-maker when you’re a speaker, so you’d better be able to protect it and get its maximum output, right?

Although online video workshops, Toastmasters, and national speaker associations are all great for your career, none of them will train, enrich and protect your voice like a Voice Pizazz coach can do.

At Voice Pizazz, you receive much more than isolated voice training, too, because we are also experts at career development and entrepreneurial marketing. Your Voice Pizazz training package is a full-service voice development experience with guaranteed results. We combine the art and science of great vocal production and help you turn every one of your speeches into a memorable performance. Audiences will be begging for more.

There is more. You can be more!

An Unfair Advantage

Don’t believe anyone that tries to convince you about shortcuts in artistic and professional development. Training is hard work. There are no exceptions.

The effectiveness of the Voice Pizazz method is the sharp focus on training in exactly the areas that produce the most dramatic results.

Watch the fullness of your own talent emerge as each of the performance shortcomings are directly addressed in a helpful, gentle, caring nonjudgmental manner. Your confidence grows while previously hidden insecurities are shaken off. Your talent takes flight as layers of resistance are removed. You will be amazed by your own newly emerging abilities! It’s transformational, this rise to greatness. You will never be able to return to the person you once were. The changes happen from the inside out.

Don’t waste time combing the internet for free resources or stepping over nickels to save dimes. Just like a thoroughbred race horse gets the best in proper training, feeding and grooming, treat yourself like the champion you know you were born to become!

Let Voice Pizazz intensify and accelerate your performance development, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor sooner, and bigger!