


As a private educator whose clientele sometimes includes children, there are a few controversial matters that arise from time to time among parents. For example: "Is it good to have your children involved in competitions, such as singing contests or speaking contests?" My answer is a resounding "yes" because we are preparing today's children for

Your Influence

This year I will be celebrating my first half century of existence. A century seems like a pretty big chunk of time, yet when we look at what advancements occur, it seems to just go “wooooooosh!” Basic communications technology alone has really changed the way things have been going during the most recent 50 years.

First Impressions

First Impressions There is a fine line between annoying self-promotion and genuine, effective marketing of your own efforts. This came to mind today when I received a paragraph by email which someone had thoughtfully crafted for a Facebook group membership that I belong to. This person did a fine job overall, but was a little

Workshop: Knock ‘Em Dead Auditions 7/20/13

In this highly interactive workshop you will... * Make yourself irresistible to the judges! * Be the first of your friends to get an edge on the competition. * Learn insider tips about what NOT to do! * Get out of your own way and showcase your BEST self. * Transform stage fright and nervous

Summer Auditions

Pizazz Your Voice has openings for 3 sensational new students for a special results driven Talent Development Coaching Program. The program lasts for 6 months and includes intensive weekly training, as well as frequent public performance opportunities. Scholarships are available for selected participants. Trained and endorsed by world class Broadway singing coach Mary Walkley, Laura