Soaring as a Singer

This bird in the shape of a “V” has been chosen to represent your voice because there is nothing like the freedom of flight.


Imagine singing with complete connectedness in the whole series of ranges, both low and high. Imagine gliding effortlessly from heavy low notes to ethereal high notes. Imagine that ALL of the notes are full and rich with power and vibrancy! This is possible!

Feeling My Own Wings by Laura Lobo

The liberating experience I had with improving my own vocal production served as the impetus for becoming one of several champions of the Mix Vocalization Method. In my specific case, this was only possible because I allowed the lovely and amazingly capable Mary Walkley to be my encouraging guide.


During my initial sessions with Mary Walkley, it was often difficult to understand how to “let go” of the encumbrances that interfered with a smooth, clear, powerful voice. Gradually, over many weeks, I found that Mary’s promise was true: “The exercises do the work for you!”

Something about the ongoing repetition of a slightly unusual approach made this transformation possible. It was necessary for me to trust my coach and to stop doing certain singing maneuvers that were influenced by old habits.

Letting go is difficult. I had already been singing for more than twenty years before taking on this new technique. It wasn’t just a superficial strategy to add on with everything I had known up to that point. I had to learn singing from the ground up – like a beginner. Many times I was unsure whether I was even on the right track. Mary’s guidance made such a difference.

When it turned out that I was on the right track more often than on the wrong one, I began to experience the feelings that accompanied the changes. The feelings were subtle, but now, more than 15 years later, those sensations surrounding “Right vs. Wrong” are quite obvious to me.

Then I took an even larger step in my experience of this freedom. To become a coach of this method, capable of leading others to these discoveries, it was necessary for me to spend even more time observing Mary’s students and the way she guides them. It is a lifelong process for me to gain the expertise of a master in these matters, but I have to believe that I am well on my way.


What We Don’t Know

The main point of this description is to demonstrate one of thousands of instances in our own lives where “We don’t know what we don’t know.” This is not only about singing lessons. Not at all. It is about everything that you are good at, but just not great. It’s also about pocket areas of self-improvement that aren’t your forte so they get neglected.

The Hidden Lie

So many times we limit ourselves and miss out on life changing, transformation experiences because we fail to admit that there is another level of mastery available to ourselves. It’s not unusual that we neglect self-development on the basis of an assumption that the other better-trained individuals just have more natural born talent than ourselves, so there is no way we could ever do what they do. This is not an outright lie, but there is probably more falsehood than truth in this statement. In what I’ve seen of the students who have stayed with the Mix Vocalization Method for the long haul, virtually EVERYONE is succeeding! Talent is shining, no matter what quantity was there in the beginning.

No More Crutches

All talent must be developed in order to shine. <– KEY CONCEPT!!!

Are you able to face that fact and look it square in the eyes?

(If so, please say this next sentence aloud. Hear it. Let it sink in.)
“I really won’t know what I can do with my own talent until I begin to hone and polish it.”

The truth is, we could have and be so much more than we do and believe if we were willing to admit a few things:

1. This expert knows more than I do about this subject.
2. This expert could help even me, if I wanted the help.
3. The help I would receive is more valuable to me than the convenience of staying the same.

If you agree 100% with the three sentences above, you are ready for one of the most exciting launches you will ever experience!

Prepare for Liftoff

A key step in the direction of freedom involves getting a coach or mentor. Of course you can watch on-line videos and read self-help books. These ideas can surely expand your viewpoint. Don’t overlook the fact that your improvement will be exponentially accelerated by the presence of an expert, though. A personal guide can lead you in the experience of correctness with dynamic speed and razor sharp precision. The right coach, and the right system, will save you countless hours of deliberation, frustration, avoidance, procrastination, self-delusion, discouragement, self doubt, confusion and on and on.

Outrageous freedom is within reach. It is embodied in a process. You deserve it. It will pay for itself in both time saved and money earned. You know, in your deepest conscience, that this is true.

Your Voice Pizazz Guide will first point you in the right direction, then walk alongside you with encouragement and loving corrections until you achieve the breakthroughs in the effortless flight of singing that you deserve.

Use wings, not legs.